People who experience chronic stress show signs of accelerated immune aging, a recent study found. And stress is associated with around a 20% increase in the risk of death, researchers announced in July 2023. The holidays add another layer to the list of every day stressors. The good news? Researchers also found that managing stress is one of eight healthy habits Americans can adopt to live substantially longer. Here are four breathing techniques you can use to de-stress and relax:
- Belly Breathing – Also known as diaphragmatic breathing, this exercise helps you turn on the calming “rest and digest” party of the autonomic nervous system. Find a comfortable position, inhale slowly with the belly for four seconds and exhale for four seconds. Do this practice every day, working up to five minutes of belly breathing. Also use it in the moment when you need to relax.
- Coherent Breathing – A typical adult takes about 15-20 breaths per minute, but the sweet spot of experiencing relaxation and optimal brain function is to slow that down to five breaths per minute. This pace lets the brain know everything is safe and fine. Download any breath pacing app that will give you cues about when to breathe in and out. Similar instructions can also be found online. The idea is to not think about counting or anything else, but just focus on breathing. Work up to doing about 20 minutes per day.
- 4-7-8 Breathing – This simple exercises lowers the heart rate and provides a calming sensation. First, breathe in through your nose for the count of four. Hold your breath for a count of seven. Breathe out through your mouth while counting to eight. Do three cycles of this breathing technique twice a day to make it a habit.
- Box Breathing – This is one of the daily routines practiced and recommended by Mark Divine, a retired U.S. Navy SEAL commander who believes awareness and control of your breath “is the best tool to bring initial control over our mind.” Start in a seated position and exhale all of your air. Inhale for a count of five. Hold your breath for a count of five. Exhale for a count of five. Hold your breath for a count of five. Keep the pattern going and repeat this cycle five times.